The History of Technology; Milestone Celebration! 🥳
#9 When do you think humans used the technology first? Take a guess!
Before we get into this week’s article, I am beyond delighted to share that we just hit 100 subscribers!! 🎉 In one of my previous articles, I requested your support to try and get us to 100 subscribers by September’s end and, boy oh boy, you folks delivered! It was an intense finish at the end and I wasn’t sure if we were going to make it on time. This might not sound like that big of a deal to most, but for me it is. Thank you so very much for your support which kept me going! ❤
Special thanks to my wife who kept me motivated throughout this journey and this wouldn’t have been possible without her! My baby brother deserves a special mention as well for liking and sharing every article of mine with his friends! Prashant from our gaming clan “Dragon Slayers” has been one of my first readers and more often than not, the first to like all of my articles. Thank you, bro!
Huge thanks go to the newsletters, Rick’s Tech Tips Newsletter, My Home Office Hacks and Therapeutic Thursdays, that recommended me.
When you think about the oldest technology, what comes to your mind? Is it electronics, electricity, automobiles, aircraft, or communication devices? If your answer is yes, like me, you’d be wrong. I only got to know a few days ago that something doesn’t have to be complex or sophisticated to be called a technological marvel! With the exponential technological leaps every year, I wouldn’t be surprised if current technology would be called primitive in the next century itself.
The History
What is the oldest known technology then? Animals are known to use their surrounding resources such as branches or stones as tools to either build nests or defend themselves. We humans are no different. After all, our ancestors were animals. The exact estimates of prehistorians and anthropologists concerning the emergence of humans vary widely. I was surprised to learn that primitive tools developed by the early humans to hunt and gather food were the oldest recorded technology put into use about 2 million to 20000 years ago. One of the most notable prehistoric technological inventions was the wheel, which paved the way for modern automobiles.
The wheel catalysed technological advancement as it made manufacturing and transportation efficient which in turn boosted the economy and funded innovation. This amazing cycle continued throughout time, still does today and I’m sure it’ll continue for many more millennia.
With time the technology diversified into various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, military, information, communication etc. As long as we are curious, sustainable and sensible the universe is the limit! Maybe we’d even soon become a Type I civilisation on the Kardashev Scale. What is the Kardashev Scale? That’s an article for another week! 😊
My Home Office Hacks
I stumbled upon a Facebook post where Joe was celebrating his 500+ subscribers. I loved his articles and became an instant subscriber. Please feel free to check his work at
More from the Author: “My Home Office Hacks is a virtual water cooler/newsletter for work-from-home professionals and home-based business owners, published by Joe D’Eramo, a copywriter-marketing & PR consultant from Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Yes, working from home has many benefits—commute, wardrobe, optional bathing, etc. You do tend to feel like you’re missing out on things. Best coffee? Latest productivity app? Where to shop for a new (fill in the blank). My Home Office Hacks looks to provide the info you used to get in the lunchroom when you had a traditional J-O-B.”
What is your favourite invention? Do let me know in the comments below! Thank you for reading. If you find this article useful, like and share it with your friends. Keep smiling, stay safe and take care! 😊
~ Nithin
Here goes my like :) ... You deserve it bro!
Waiting for the article on Kardashev Scale..